Monday, September 12, 2011

So It Begins

Today was finally the first day of classes for me. The university started classes September 1, but mine didn't start until today. This was perfectly ok with me though. It just gave me another week to relax.

When we got to the univeristy today, we got our student IDs. It's kind of funny; I'm used to people back home messing up my name. It's always Shannon Shelby instead of Selby. Never would I have guessed that it would happen in Russia too.
I know most of you can't read it, but it definately says my last name is Shelby.

After that, all the students studying Russian went into the same classroom. There we met our professors (there are 4) and found out when class is going to be. Beginners from 10-130. I know I've studied for a year, but I definately am no where near the intermediate level. So I am taking the beginners class. There are three people in this class. Rachel, someone from Vietnam, and me. There are actually more teachers than students in this class, which I thought was interesting. We found this out and that was all for the first day. Oh yeah, instead of having to buy books, we just took the books and will return them at the end of the semester. The only way we have to pay is if we mess them up. That was definately a nice little surprise.

I'm definately excited to start learning more of the language. And even if I only get to meet that one person from class at the university, I'm excited. I can't wait to see how God is going to use me being a student at BGU for His glory!

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