Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Random Thoughts from Shannon

It's 2 in the morning here, and I just can't sleep. It's one of those nights. So many thoughts about different things are racing through my head, which doesn't at all help me even come close to getting some sleep.

So originally I couldn't go to sleep because I didn't feel well. Usually lots of sleep is a result of being sick, but sometimes the opposite occurs, which has happened to me tonight.

So what are these thoughts that keep going through my mind? Well here they are...

*I've been in bed since 10, why can't I sleep?
*Chris Tomlin Christmas CD is awesome.
*I hope I'm not getting sick, and if I am, that it's not too bad.
*I go to Mocow tomorrow.
*I'm excited to go to Moscow.
*I was excited to miss 2 days of class due to this vacation. Then I found out that there will be no class those 2 days anyway because of holidays. Of course.
*I get to see Tyler Barthel when I'm in Moscow. (You don't know how excited I am to see someone from home here in Russia.)
*God is good.
*I love that I have a second family here. The Carr's are awesome.
*Rachel and Kelly are great. It makes me happy to hang out with them each day.
*Liliya is now in America. I hope I get to visit her when I get home.
*I leave next month.
*Not at all ready to leave here, but am excited for the day I will be back at my home church.
*There was a choir at the church I went to Sunday. Made me happy.
*Wow, I've been thinking about a lot.
*Donut Country
*It looks to me like I will be out of Raiders Ridge next fall. And I'll be living with some awesome girls.
*I don't want people to see me but only Christ in me.
*I love living in Russia.
*I like not having to drive everywhere.
*I get to have Starbucks in Moscow.
*I just found out there is a Chilis in Moscow. Probably go there too.
*I like listening to Everfound's music. They are a band of 4 brothers, born in Russia, but now live in Colorado.
*Thanks be to Rachel for introducing me to them.
*I miss Haiti.
*I think it's funny but awesome that God has given me a heart for two countries that are so different.
*My friends here are awesome.
*My friends at home are equally awesome.
*I still haven't gotten sleepy yet.
*I love my class here.
*My mom's birthday is this weekend.
*I miss singing in the choir at church.
*I love seeing all that my home church is doing to reach people from Memphis to the ends of the earth.
*I am thankful for all the encouragement people have given me leading up to and since I've been here.
*I am also very thankful for all the prayers.
*This country is beautiful.
*I love my family.
*I love Skype because it not only allows me to talk to my family, but also see them.
*Heather is now a follower of Christ! (read the previous blog for details!)
*I wonder when we'll have chai with our babushka.
*I love the snow.
*I'm still awaiting an email from Meagan.
*I love my care family and am excited for the day I get to make them a Russian dinner.
*Kimberly goes to Uganda this week.
*God is good.
*I think I'm going to stop now.

Wow, you are such a trooper if you actually read all this! Ha. Just random thoughts from Shannon since she can't sleep. :)